
Online Learning Study Tips: The ITonlinelearning Guide to Success

This blog will outline practical tips to get the most out of your online learning journey.

Taking courses and qualifications online requires self-discipline and a system to help you focus. These tips will help guide you in creating a study plan that works for you.

listed below are nine practical online learning strategies you can apply today and start seeing progress with your learning.

Best of luck with your studies!

Let’s jump in.

1. Set realistic study goals

You need to determine how much time you can commit to your course each week, especially if you work full or part-time or have children to look after.

Spending too much time on your course will result in you getting burned out and potentially losing interest in your qualification, whilst not spending enough time on your course means that you will fall behind on your workload.

Once you have determined how much time you can spend studying, you will need to get into a routine

2. Schedule time every day to study

Establishing a routine will help you focus on your studying. Dedicate time every day to focus on your course, whether that is in the morning when your children have gone to school or in the evening when you are back from work.

Block out space in your calendar and set a reminder so you know when you need to get ready to study. It takes about 21 days to form a habit, so if you dedicate time to studying every day, it will become second nature in no time!

3. Eliminate distractions

Quality is as important as quantity when you are studying, so you will need to ensure that when you work, you are free of temptation.

Put your phone away when you’re studying, so you’re not tempted to chat with friends on social media or surf the web, don’t study with the television on in the background and ask your housemates not to disturb you when you are working on your coursework.

If you’re finding it hard to concentrate, there are apps and browser extensions that limit the amount of online time you have on certain websites, helping make it easier to work.

4. Take regular breaks

Don’t forget to take regular breaks when you are studying. Frequent breaks can help you focus and be more productive, as well as reduce stress levels. Take time to get a glass of water, make a cup of tea, stretch your legs or even do some chores!

The Pomodoro technique is an excellent time management method where you work for twenty-five minutes and then take a five-minute break.

Once you have done this four times, take a longer 30-minute break and start the process again. Try it and see if it works for you!

5. Keep mentally and physically healthy

If you are spending a lot of time studying, it can be tempting to eat junk food and slump in front of the television when you are done, but keeping your brain and body healthy will help you learn harder!

Take regular breaks away from your computer screen, eat a balanced diet and get plenty of sleep to keep refreshed.

A study by the University of East London and the University of Westminster found that drinking water can boost your attention span by up to 25%, which is perfect if you are working on a big assignment or revising for a test!

Remember that mental health is just as important as physical health, so if you are feeling low, talking to someone about how you are feeling will help.

6. Set up a dedicated space to study

When you need to dedicate several hours to your studies a week, you want to do it in a comfortable and peaceful environment.

Set up a study space in your home where you can store all of your course materials and is free from distractions.

Make sure you have a comfortable chair and sturdy table to work on, as well as a reliable internet connection.

Decorating your space with study plans, inspirational quotes, and photos of family and friends will encourage you to stay motivated too!

7. Treat yourself

Studying can be challenging, so be sure to give yourself a little reward when you complete an assignment, read your course materials or get good feedback from your tutor. This can be anything from treating yourself to a cake from the local bakery, enjoying a relaxing bubble bath or watching your favourite show on Netflix.

If you are finding studying hard, little treats as you go can also help. Listen to your favourite album while you work, or make yourself your favourite coffee or snack while you work on your assignments. The more fun studying is, the more likely you are to keep it up!

8. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

With an online course, you may not be able to speak to your tutors face-to-face but remember that they are still there to help.

If you have any questions about your course or are worried about anything, don’t hesitate to talk to your course tutor or the support staff – they are there to help. They can provide you with study tips and information about resources as well as queries about any administrative issues you may have.

9. Connect with the other people on your course

As well as your tutors, your coursemates will be able to provide you with help and support, as well as be a fantastic source of motivation!

Set up a Facebook Group, WhatsApp Group or Slack Channel with your coursemates. You can help answer each other’s questions, be ‘accountability buddies’ for one another, and blow off steam with each other at the end of the week!

And finally… If studying online is getting you down, remember why you started your course in the first place; this should motivate you to keep going and gain that qualification that matters to you.

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