
Success Stories

Our mission to help job seekers and professionals advance their careers has led us to proudly serve tens of thousands of candidates, who have gained skills to land their dream jobs and progress in their fields.

Meet some of our students and recent graduates!

Life-Changing Stories: A Day in the Lives of Our Graduates

Step into a day in the life of our career programme graduates, and see how the skills they’ve acquired have transformed their lives.

Werner Gomindes

Werner Gomindes transitioned from Reservations Agent to Support Engineer with ITonlinelearning, achieving seven certifications and…

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Alex Stokle

Meet Alex an IT professional from Newcastle, who transformed his career with the help of…

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Success Stories

Vanessa Pinto

Background Vanessa Pinto embarked on a transformative journey with ITonlinelearningby enrolling in the Project Management…

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Paul Reynolds

Paul’s story highlights the power of determination and the right educational support in achieving career…

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Michael Coleman

Michael’s story is a powerful testament to the impact of quality education and support. At…

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Lee Clarke

Lee’s story is a testament to what can be achieved with the right support and…

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Deepti, an accomplished IT Technical Analyst with over seven years of experience in manual testing,…

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Jayachandra’s dedication and determination shine through in his inspiring success story. Overcoming numerous challenges, he…

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Sanghamirta’s success story is a powerful reminder that with the right guidance and training, career…

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Nancy Falco

Nancy Falco’s journey with ITonlinelearning exemplifies how structured learning and persistent effort can lead to…

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